Gymzey Blog
Is Krav Maga Good for Self-Defense?
Which Exercises Are Best to Lose Love Handles?
Love handles, that stubborn fat around your waist, can be frustrating to get rid of. However, with the right exercises and commitment, you can start seeing results. While you can't spot-reduce fat, you can combine specific exercises with a proper diet to lose overall body fat, which includes love handles. In this post, we'll break down some of the most effective exercises and share a few tips from a trainer to help you stay motivated.
What Are the Best Foods to Lose Fat?
3 Amazing deals You cannot miss! Free Weight Plates!
Best Boxing Gloves for Beginners - A Buyer's Guide
When you first start out in boxing, it is a relatively inexpensive sport to get into. But how do you choose the right boxing gloves if you're new to the sport?
To make things easier, we've created a guide with everything you'll need to know about boxing gloves for beginners.